Potential natural vegetation projections for CONUS with the MC2 DGVM Product source: USDA Forest Service Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center PI: John Kim (John.Kim@usda.gov) Files are in NetCDF format with the following naming convention: LOCA_2_{GCM}_{VARNAME}-yr.{RCP}.nc where: {GCM} is the General Circulation Model climate projection (statistically-downscaled with LOCA, Version 1, https://loca.ucsd.edu/) used to drive the MC2 DGVM access1-0, canesm2, ccsm4, cnrm-cm5, gfdl-cm3, gfdl-esm2g, gfdl-esm2m, hadgem2-es, inmcm4, ipsl-cm5a-lr, ipsl-cm5a-mr, miroc5, miroc-esm-chem, miroc-esm, mri-cgcm3, noresm1-m {VARNAME} is the variable name MAX_GRASS_LAI: Unsmoothed maximum of monthly tree leaf area index (m2 leaf m-2 ground) MAX_TREE_LAI: Unsmoothed maximum of monthly grass leaf area index (m2 leaf m-2 ground) VTYPE: Potential vegetation type (integer) 0 UNKNOWNveg 1 COLD_BARRENveg 2 TUNDRAveg 3 TAIGA_TUNDRAveg 4 BOREAL_NEEDLELEAF_FORESTveg 5 BOREAL_WOODLANDveg 6 SUBALPINE_FORESTveg 7 MARITIME_EN_FORESTveg 8 MESIC_TEMPERATE_NEEDLELEAF_FORESTveg 9 TEMPERATE_DB_FORESTveg 10 COOL_MIXED_FORESTveg 11 TEMPERATE_WARM_MIXED_FORESTveg 12 TEMPERATE_EN_WOODLANDveg 13 TEMPERATE_DB_WOODLANDveg 14 TEMPERATE_COOL_MIXED_WOODLANDveg 15 TEMPERATE_WARM_MIXED_WOODLANDveg 16 C3SHRUBveg 17 C3GRASSveg 18 TEMPERATE_DESERTveg 19 SUBTROPICAL_EN_FORESTveg 20 SUBTROPICAL_DB_FORESTveg 21 WARM_EB_FORESTveg 22 SUBTROPICAL_MIXED_FORESTveg 23 SUBTROPICAL_EN_WOODLANDveg 24 SUBTROPICAL_DB_WOODLANDveg 25 SUBTROPICAL_EB_WOODLANDveg 26 SUBTROPICAL_MIXED_WOODLANDveg 27 C4SHRUBveg 28 C4GRASSveg 29 SUBTROPICAL_DESERTveg 30 TROPICAL_EB_FORESTveg 31 TROPICAL_DECIDUOUS_WOODLANDveg 32 TROPICAL_SAVANNAveg 35 TROPICAL_DESERTveg 36 MOIST_TEMPERATE_NEEDLELEAF_FORESTveg 38 SUBALPINE_MEADOWveg 39 WATERveg 40 NATURAL_BARRENveg 49 DRY_TEMPERATE_NEEDLELEAF_FORESTveg 50 XERIC_NEEDLELEAF_WOODLANDveg {RCP} is the associated Representative Concentration Pathway rcp45: RCP 4.5 rcp85: RCP 8.5 Variables are output annually, from 1950 to 2099, in a regular 1/16 deg grid for CONUS.